Russian propaganda: “There is so much hunger in the UK that they are one step away from cannibalism”
An article about the alleged famine in Great Britain was published on the Cargrad TV portal. Russian propaganda claims there is
An article about the alleged famine in Great Britain was published on the Cargrad TV portal. Russian propaganda claims there is
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Czesław K., suspected of the murder of his wife, was handed over by the British judiciary to the Polish Prosecutor’s Office
Detectives investigating the death of Ania Jedrkowiak in Ealing, London have charged a man with murder.
An expert invited to Russian TV threatens Britain. He proposes to deploy Russia’s new supersonic missiles in such a place that
In South Ealing, London, a 21-year-old Polish woman was murdered. Police detained a 29-year-old man who was supposed to be known
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Russia imposes sanctions on British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The restrictions introduced are a response to the sanctions imposed on Russia
Swedish media reports that Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson made a decision on admission to NATO.
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