“The Russians set up a prison and a torture chamber. They shocked with electric shocks.”

“We have information that in the city of Balaklija the Russian occupiers imprisoned and tortured people” – the head of the police investigation department in the Kharkiv region, Serhiy Bolvinov, announced Tuesday evening.

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Bołwinow’s entry is shocking:

“In the recently occupied Balaklia, in the police department, racists have set up headquarters. But that’s not the worst – in the same place, in the basement of the department and in the building opposite BalDruk, the racists have set up a prison and a torture chamber for local residents. </ em >
During the occupation, racists always held at least 40 people in captivity, feeding them twice a day with porridge and nothing. Through local associates, they searched for people who had served or had relatives in the ATO. They were also looking for people who helped the Ukrainian army in destroying the Racists. And in the event that they dismissed a lot of people and there were no new ones – they caught people on the street near the police station. One man was in “prison” for 46 days – police found a photo of his brother in Ukrainian military uniform.
According to witnesses, they were tortured in various ways. I will not describe all the tortures, but let me just say that it was “easiest” when they were electrocuted.
The investigators also have information about the murdered inhabitants of the city. It is known about the dead that they were shot at the police station by the Russians on the last day of the occupation – all the details of the incident are still being worked out.
Today, together with journalists from around the world and National Police officers, we report on the tragedy of Balaklyia, because the whole world should know how inhuman these racist people are. “