Russian soldier accused of war crimes. This is the first such process in Ukraine

This is the first such process in Ukraine. The 21-year-old sergeant of the Russian armored unit Vadim Shishimarin will answer for war crimes. So far, he has confessed to the murder of one civilian.

According to the prosecution, the sergeant killed a defenseless civilian. The incident was supposed to take place in the village of Czupachiwka in the Sumy Oblast.

The man was driving the bike on the side of the road. Then one of the commanders ordered him to open fire so that the Ukrainian commanders would not find out about the presence of Russian troops in the region. The accused was supposed to shoot a 62-year-old in the head. The man died on the spot.

During the Wednesday interrogation, Shishimarin pleaded guilty. On Thursday, the trial will continue in a larger room due to the great interest in the media. The Russian soldier is facing a life sentence.