Russian deputy, Putin’s man threatens UK with nuclear weapons! “We will turn them into a desert”

Andrei Gurulov, a deputy to the Russian State Duma and privately a friend of Vladimir Putin on state television, threatened with a nuclear attack on NATO countries.

According to the deputy, Russia cannot use nuclear weapons in Ukraine because, as he said, the Russians “still have to live there”.

However, he argued that Russia could attack Great Britain or Germany. – If we turn the British Isles into a “Martian desert” using tactical nuclear weapons, who are they going to trigger Article 5 for? For a nonexistent country that has been turned into a “Martian desert”? – asked the deputy. There was a silence, and no one dared interrupt him.

In another statement, he suggested that the Russians could attack Berlin in a similar way. “An entire nation will fall into chaos, which essentially means its death” he added.

It is not clear in what context these threats were to be made. However, the politician said something about “soldiers entering there” and that NATO “must take this into account”. So it is probably about Ukraine.