Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin has arrived at Buckingham Palace

Her Majesty the Queen’s coffin has arrived at Buckingham Palace, where it will rest for the night in the Arc Hall, the royal family informs on social media.

“Tomorrow the coffin will be moved in procession on the Royal Horse Artillery carriage of the Royal Horse Artillery to the Palace of Westminster, where the Queen will rest in state at Westminster Hall until the day of the state funeral.” reads the statement.

There will be a state funeral at Westminster Abbey led by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Her body will then be buried in a prepared tomb in the King George VI Memorial Chapel in the Chapel of St.

Before the funeral in the chapel of St. Jerzy, a funeral service will be held. As agreed by the Queen and the Prime Minister, the day of the funeral will be a day of national mourning, although no day off will be granted. The two-minute silence was to take place throughout the United Kingdom.