Polish coach accident in Croatia. Many killed and wounded

Polish coach accident in Croatia. The complete information says about 12 fatalities and 34 injured people. Most of them are seriously injured.

– All victims of the accident are Polish citizens – said the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Łukasz Jasina.

The accident happened around 5:40 am on the A4 motorway between Jarek Bisaški and Podvorec in the municipality of Breznica towards Zagreb.

A Polish coach, which was traveling by about 50 people, left the road into the ditch. It is already known that 12 people were killed and 34 were injured. The causes of the accident are still under investigation. According to the AFP, around 20 people are still seriously injured.

The Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki reacted. The minister of health, Adam Niedzielski, the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Marcin Przydacz, and the medics and psychologists from the Medical Aid Team travel to Croatia to take the place of the tragedy.

It is also known who the passengers were. They are pilgrims who traveled to Medjugorje. It was in this city that Mary was to appear on the hill 36 years ago.