A six-year-old brought canned food to his mother’s grave. The woman died of starvation. A touching photo

Shocking images from the war in Ukraine. A photo of a six-year-old boy from Bucza, who brought tinned food and juice to his mother’s grave, was published on Twitter. The woman died of starvation.

The Russians had no mercy for the city’s inhabitants. They plundered apartments and shops, leaving the population without food or belongings. Over 400 people were killed. It is not known exactly how many, because Ukrainians are still finding new bodies, and some of the victims have already been buried by local residents.

The mother of two boys is buried in one of these graves. One of them brought juice and canned food to the mother’s grave. The woman died of starvation. Internet users suspect that she gave everything she had to children.

Ukrainians from the rest of the country are shocked. In 1932, from 3 to 10 million people died of artificially induced USSR famine in Ukraine, according to various sources. Nobody expected that history would repeat itself in the 21st century.