Hundreds of bodies in the streets of a recaptured city. Many bound and killed [VIDEO]

The Russians withdrew from the city of Bucha in the Kiev region. The Ukrainian army that entered the city was faced with a terrifying sight. Hundreds of bodies lay in the streets. Many people had their hands tied and were killed by a shot to the back of the head.

A video showing what the entrance to the city looked like was published by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The Ukrainians buried about 300 people in mass graves. The bodies did not fit into local cemeteries.

There are also videos on the web of the Ukrainian army which is shocked to see the enormity of the cruelty. Many bodies are tied. Some people have been killed with a shot to the back of the head. Bodies lie next to bicycles, cars, property entrances, and even in sewer wells, where they had to hide from the Russians.

Most of the victims are young males between the ages of 16 and 60.