Russian vlogger says it’s OK to rape Ukrainian women! “Consent is not required from 16 years” [WIDEO]

A Russian vlogger saying it’s ok for russians to rape 17-year-olds in Ukraine because the age of consent is 16:

“They go to the Internet and cry: Russian soldiers rape our 17-year-old girls … Firstly, for 16 years (sex – editorial note) it has been legally allowed, secondly, Russian women (b * tch) are the most beautiful in the world, and unfortunately or, fortunately, soldiers enjoy great popularity among women.

Women like soldiers. The soldiers just fight them off because they have so many willing, beautiful Russian women. You really think that they need your f**ng”, walking sacks of fat, which they will *** repeatedly, carriers of venereal diseases, who either pick strawberries in Poland or having sexm in Arab Emirates? They only have venereal diseases, who will want them? ” – argued the Russian.