David Cameron came to Poland in a donation truck. He helps refugees

The former British Prime Minister came to Poland to help refugees. He personally drove a supply truck.

“Yesterday, late in the evening, a transport with help arrived at our main warehouse near Krakow. David Cameron, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, sat personally behind the wheel of the truck. Despite being tired and late at night, our guest put on a Polish Red Cross vest and helped with unloading. Good job – thank you” – wrote the Malopolska Polish Red Cross.

The former prime minister came to Poland with two colleagues from Chippy Larder, a food project from Oxfordshire.

“Finally, the most important message to all those who left their country because of this terrible war that Vladimir Putin started – we are with you, we want to support you, we want to take care of you. If you decide to come and live with us, you will be welcome, we will help. Tragedy affects your country, but the courage shown by your president, civilians and the army shows that Ukraine will survive and develop. In the meantime, we will do everything we can to help you. Today’s transport is only a substitute for our support that we can provide” – said Cameron.