A Ukrainian granny poisoned Russian soldiers with patties. They are dead

According to the recording of the overheard conversation of a Russian army member with his girlfriend, a Ukrainian granny poisoned eight Russian soldiers.

The recording was published by Anton Haraszchenka, advisor to the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine, on Telegram.

The man complains that the army is hungry and has nothing to eat. – Sometimes we manage to rob a store because we don’t have anything, you understand? We’re starving! – says the soldier. The girl replies that it is shown on Russian television that the civilian population brings food to the Russian soldiers with tears in their eyes, and that the grandmothers thank them for their arrival.

Of course! Once, one granny fed us patties and eight boys went home in zinc coffins – replies the soldier. – What? What did she feed them with? – The girl asked. – Poison! – The man replies.